“As the Lakota Sioux phrase Mitakuye Oyasin—“All my relations”—implies, we’re all connected, all in this together. Recovery is reciprocal: heal yourself, heal the world; heal the world, heal yourself.”


                                                                      Oreli G.Preda

                                                                                                                                                     Medicine Women

I am Oreli, a Shamanic Medicine Women and psychotherapist with a wide range of experience in healing modalities, holistic therapy, and Shamanic practices. My training encompasses various aspects of Shamanism and Magical practice, which have allowed me to establish my practice with a clear purpose. My goal is to create a sacred space where individuals can find their true medicine by clearing toxic patterns and programming that hinder their ability to shape their own reality.

My intention in facilitating this powerful medicine is not to create dependency on me or my services. Shamanism is about discovering your place within the greater creation and recognising that you have the power to shape your reality through your thoughts, feelings, and energy. This medicine is not focused on changing the past or assigning blame to the external world. Its purpose is to help you overcome your most persistent blocks and limitations that prevent you from embodying your personal power.

Shamans undergo extensive training and therapy to safely offer their services to clients. Shamanic practice is not just a form of healing but a way of life that dates back thousands of years. My own journey into Shamanism is an ongoing process of rebirth, shedding what no longer serves me, and stepping into my role of serving the light. I am trained and accredited to the highest standards, allowing me to guide and facilitate this powerful transformational process for my clients.

Through my practice, I aim to support you on your healing path by helping you shed aspects of yourself that no longer serve you. This process opens the way for you to embody more beauty and anchor it into your being.



          What is Shamanic Healing?

Shamanic healing is a timeless and universal practice found in various cultures throughout history. It is a holistic approach to healing that recognise illness imbalance not only in the physical body but also in the energetic field of a person. The Shaman, as a practitioner, works directly with the individual's energy field to eliminate dense energies, clear energetic imprints, and restore balance to the energy body. By perceiving and addressing these energetic blockages, the Shaman serves as a channel for removing the wounded energy and replacing it with healing energy that empowers the person.

Shamanic Healing work

Shamanic Healing work draws upon a rich repertoire of tools and techniques that have been practice for thousands of years. These ancient practices are highly effective in addressing the root causes of specific wounds or patterns. As a Shamanic healer, I provide various approaches to Shamanic work, including standalone healing sessions, block sessions, and long-term healing programs. Each approach is tailored to meet the individual needs of clients and aims to facilitate deep healing and transformation.