Experienced Shamanic Practitioner Based In Seaham, Durham

Shamanic Master Healer

I am a highly skilled Shamanic Practitioner with expertise in performing energy extractions and facilitating ancestral healing. My primary focus is to guide my clients through a transformation journey where they can address and release burdensome energies and attachments. By creating a sacred and protected space, I enable my clients to explore their deepest shadows and free themselves from unproductive patterns and behaviours, paving the way for a more fulfilling life. I offer sessions both online and at my therapy room in Seaham, and I am open to discussing long-term plans for continued healing and growth.



What expect from Shamanic Healing with Oreli? 

  • Initial consultation: This is an initial meeting where the shaman or healer will have a conversation with the individual to identify any specific issues or concerns that need to be addressed during the healing session. This consultation helps set the intention and focus for the healing work.
  • Healing session: The actual healing session may involve various techniques depending on the individual's needs. These techniques can include removing heavy energies, balancing and illuminating the chakras (energy centers in the body), clearing past life imprints, or retrieving and integrating lost soul parts. The specific methods used will depend on the shamanic tradition or the healer's expertise.
  • Ongoing support and integration: Following the healing session, ongoing support and integration techniques may be provided to help the individual integrate the healing experiences into their daily life. This can include guidance on self-care practices, grounding techniques, spiritual exercises, or additional sessions if needed.


                                                                  WHAT IS SHAMANIC HEALING?

Shamanic healing is a timeless and universal practice found in various cultures throughout history. It is a holistic approach to healing that recognise illness imbalance not only in the physical body but also in the energetic field of a person. The Shaman, as a practitioner, works directly with the individual's energy field to eliminate dense energies, clear energetic imprints, and restore balance to the energy body. By perceiving and addressing these energetic blockages, the Shaman serves as a channel for removing the wounded energy and replacing it with healing energy that empowers the person.

                                                        Online vs In-Person Healing Sessions

Shamans function on the spiritual and soul level, using altered states of consciousness to connect with your energy field. Their aim is to clear negative imprints and intrusive energies, facilitating the replenishment and acceleration of your healing process. Since the healing occurs within your energy body, the physical concept of distance becomes irrelevant. Whether you choose online or in-person sessions depends more on your personal preferences and specific needs as a client.

What I Work With

  1. Ancestral/Generational Curses: This involves working with the energetic imprints and patterns inherited from ancestors that can manifest as destructive behaviours, patterns, and illnesses. By addressing these energies, it is possible to break free from repetitive negative cycles.

  2. Imprint Removal (Illumination): Past traumas and illnesses leave imprints in our energy field, which can attract similar negative patterns and experiences. By removing these imprints, one can change toxic behaviours, accelerate physical healing, and unleash the power of the immune system.

  3. Intrusive Energy Removal: Intrusive energies are energies that do not belong to an individual and can be picked up from various sources. These energies can manifest as projected energies from others, parasitic cords, entities, psychic attacks, or even black magic. Clearing intrusive energies can help alleviate their effects.

  4. Spirit Attachment : This process involves assisting spirits that are stuck in the astral plane, helping them transition to the spirit world. These spirits may be deceased family members or friends who need guidance to move on peacefully.

  5. Past Life Work: Sometimes, current life challenges may be connected to past life experiences. Past life work involves journeying to past lives to understand and release any attachments or unresolved emotions related to those experiences.

  6. Soul Rescue/Retrieval: Soul loss can occur due to traumatic experiences, causing fragments of the soul to detach. Soul retrieval is a process where the shaman journeys to the point of soul loss and calls back those fragments, reintegrating them into the individual's energy field.

  7. Power Retrieval: Power loss can happen due to unprocessed trauma, limiting an individual's ability to create their reality. Power retrieval involves journeying to events that caused power loss, retrieving the lost power, and restoring it to the client's energy field

  8. Sacred Offerings & Rituals: Rituals and offerings are powerful tools for healing and energetic exchange. They can assist with releasing or attracting specific energies or intentions.

  9. Fully Remote Healings: Remote healing sessions conducted at a distance, combining various shamanic healing tools. The process aims to address all layers of wounds, including clearing chakras and meridians, regenerating the energy field, removing intrusive energies, retrieving lost soul parts, and releasing toxicity from timelines, past lives, and ancestors.